Monday, July 13, 2009


I can barely process the things that happened in the past 6 weeks. Most of it was a mess of rocks, cuts, sickness, love, friendship bracelets, isolation, climbing equipment, horses, shovels, lakes, woods, fireflies and rain.
Even now at home, I am trying to find the words to describe what happened there.
I suppose that I'll just start with the start.
Just because you don't know anyone doesn't mean that God isn't going to use them to speak into your life. The people that we meet and know the least about will probably be the best people we could ever meet.
The way we love people should never be based on if it is reciprocated. Love is never conditional if it is true love. Even if they hate me. Even if they fight me. Even if they run away from me. I will love them because Jesus loves me every time I do that to him.
Christian Community is one of the greatest things about life.
Meeting someone who is just like you can be oddly encouraging and challenging at the same time. It can also make both of you very happy.
Michigan is the strong, silent type.
Being Single is okay with me.
Sometimes, we need to look at life through a lens in order to capture what is going on. (Thanks to Jess for that one)
After 40 days of preparation, I have never known less about myself. A can of worms has been opened and I realized that I am so much stronger, braver and more beautiful than I ever knew. There is so much more to me than dust and bones.
Everyone should read 'Cold Tangerines' in the summertime. Especially in Michigan.
God winked when he make Michigan.
Life is never what we expect it to be. But expectation is what drives us to love. There is a balance, for we must love without it, yet have so much confidence in it that God WILL reveal himself.
He always does.

1 comment:

Kylie Bennett said...

in those last few lines you described the important distinction between expectations and expectancy.
Having expectations means that you are expecting things in a certain way, place, time, or manner. It means you have in mind what you think will happen. Expectations usually lead to disappointment because as we know things do not usually turn out how we think they will, and God does not usually reveal himself the way we think he will. This disappointment can turn into anger or bitterness, and most definition puts a rift in relationships because one side of the relationship has a certain set of expectations for the other, and they are bound to be let down.

Expectancy, however, is more like an attitude of hope. When you are expectant that something will happen, you are more like a child who is pleasantly surprised and blessed by the things that come his way because he never imagined anything specific. Expectancy is loving without conditions, but morelike being hopeful and knowing that there are blessings in relationships with people and with God, but not loving based on those blessings. Being expectant rather than having expectations frees us from our own standards in order to open ourselves up to God's presence and the blessings that come with that.

Hope that makes sense. Sorry for the word vomit. It's just so good to hear what you are learning lady!