One faces moments when things are changing and we are very aware of it.
Fears are faced.
Hearts are broken.
It seems to me that the last year has been a huge blur of moments memorable and ones I'd rather forget. It is hard for me to explain to people what has happened. It's not that I don't care about things. It's just that I am becoming realistic.
I am growing up.
Who knew that living this life would change so much on the day I entered my twenties? I can hardly write it down. My heart is quiet. My words are few. But I'm really okay with that. There is conflict, but there is peace. A unusual peace.
When I said goodbye to my friend Ashley the other week, I realized that no one I know knows her, really. And my life at Springhill was an area of my life that was...mine. Not my family's. Not my Moody friends'. Not anyone's. Mine.
In that moment I started to catch a hint of independence and change and quietness. I started to mourn over losing my teen years. I started to look back for just a moment. And now, I have taken a breath and I am starting to step into full adulthood. Slowly. Stepping.
My heart races even now as I look to this new phase of my life. More than a new chapter, this feels like a new book. New camera. New thoughts. New ideas. New friendships.
I so love the way that life changes. I thought for so long that I would hate it. That nothing would ever change. That I was always going to be a small-town girl with a passion to write and a need--a desperate need--for the ocean.
But what I have found these days is that I want things I didn't know I wanted. I want to live in the woods. I don't mind being single. I love camp and camping things. I love carabiners. I love hiking. I love friendships that are challenging. There is such a thing as a two-way relationship. It's okay to feel angry sometimes. I don't have to be okay. I don't have to be anything. I just need to keep my eyes of Jesus.
Even as I type, my fingers press harder and harder on the keys as something is pouring out from so deeply inside of me. An ache is floating slowly to the surface as I set down my resistance. I've been trying to cling to things that were me. things that are no longer me.
I never liked the movie Dumb and Dumber. I thought it was stupid and pointless comedy.
There is no way that I can continue to live the way that people want me to live. I need to be honest. I'm not going to hope that things are fine when I go to the dentist tomorrow. I'm going to pray. And I miss praying. I miss holding hands with close friends and praying with them. I miss relationships that are real and that I don't have to perform for.
I miss so many things. And the fact of the matter is, I have to leave it all behind me. I have to face the twenties with a new outlook. I cannot keep being a teenager who doesn't know what she wants. I know exactly what I want.
I want God. I want to speak to him in the morning and in the evening and in the middle of the night. I want to stop doubting His sovereignty and write damning sentences. I want to stop wording things the right way so as to get the results I want. I want to be His entirely. I want to start every day for the rest of my life in His presence.
I want relationships that are good and that are centered on Christ. I want to love people in every situation they are in and I want them to feel that Love. I want to put my arms around more people that need it. I want to travel. I want to be brave.
I want to take photos of what I see and not feel like I'm pretending to be a photographer. I want to make films that make people want to live differently. I want to fear less.
Normally, birthdays are supposed to be exciting. But not many called. And I took a nap. And somehow, it was just what I needed. I needed a day to move forward and to process before this all came out.
Tomorrow, life continues and I know just who I want to start the day with.
Here's to tomorrow.
And the next day.
And the next day.
And my twenties.
And every day for the rest of my life.
thank you for your honesty. don't stop.
Thanks, Kylie.
Why don't we ever hang out? I'll be home for 2 weeks starting July 28th. Let's make that happen.
Well... I'm in costa rica the 26th-6th... so after the sixth. You, me, and Julie should all get together, that would be so great!
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