Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I forgot.

I forgot that the sky could be so big
I forgot that wind didn't have to be cold.
I forgot that the sun could shine for entire days at a time.
I forgot that things are never quiet.

Rather, things have different sounds.
I have traded the hum of the city
Traded for the hum of lawn-mowers and various animals.
The smell of cement has been traded for the smells of
Wet Grass at sunset
Tired backroads at night
My backyward's dry weeds.

Who knew that there could be such a beautiful thing
In browning California,
In a cloudy beach day,
In a dusty town?

Some things have changed
I do not feel the need to move around
I speak far less than I used to
I am content in quietness
My heart is cautious but it is stronger
I do not feel fully at home
For much of my heart is else where

Yet, all of my heart is in one place
All of my desire is for one thing
All of my energy is used for one reason

I am an alien
I am a stranger
I am chosen of God
And Heaven is my destiny.

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