As I sit in front of the window looking out, I am overwhelmed. The song, "Time" is playing as I smile at how on beat it is with the falling snow. We've gotten close to 4 inches this afternoon and it is the best possible way to go out.
This morning, I took my OT final and the weight of the past 12 weeks slowly was lifted 1/200th at a time. Students are carrying bags across the plaza and each other across the plaza.
"The Call" just came on. suddenly it is so appropriate. The refrain "I'll come back" is played as I get a chill. Friends slide across the snow as I prepare my heart for Christmas and Hanukkah. As I prepare to run in Central Park day after tomorrow.
The idea of New York City is so wonderful to me. Words cannot express.
Everyone is leaving or dreaming about leaving. No one wants to pack, but everyone wants to go. I took Jess to the Airport. Man, I'm going to miss that girl. I'm going to miss Moody. I'll miss the hustle and bustle of Joe's. I'll miss the snow silencing the city. I'll miss having everything at my fingertips. I'll miss my girls. I'll miss running down Chicago Ave. I'll miss the Dean. I'll miss fist-bump Friday. I'll miss my professors. I'll miss the Plaza. I'll miss the sunrises.
And yet, at this time of year I am reminded of the one who was born to die. The God who gave him away. The love that was brought into the world. I remember snowball fights. I remember West Chicago. I remember ICI. I remember losing my glasses. I remember God meeting me. I remember writing what seem like a book. There is a strange peace about me and where I'm at. And God is saying, "Get into these arms" and I feel home.
For every thing that could break my heart. For every moment I could and do fall down. For every teardrops on my guitar moment, God is there and that makes everything better.
I'm glad I'm in the Monday Club. I'm glad that I know how to be friends with guys. I am glad I can love the girls on my floor without jelosy. I'm glad I can watch the snow fall down and know in my heart of hearts that nothing is falling down as long as He holds my hand.
Praise to Adonai: The keeper of my heart.
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